10 Steps to an Organized Closet
Much like having your car washed your nails done, or a haircut –arranging your closet is a great way to save time daily and de-clutter your life on a whole. Luckily, coordinating your closet for the new year doesn’t need to take a whole year–using these 10 simple steps, here is how you can arrange your cabinet for seasons ahead.
An Organized Closet at 10 Easy Steps!
1. Hangers. Make sure you have the right ones for your clothes. Hangers with padding keep other bits and silk from dropping to the ground. Wood hangers are great for jackets and coats. And needless to say, the vinyl hangers with clips are fantastic for pants and skirts.
2. Pegboard. Not only for the kitchen! Mount a bit of this to your closet door or back wall and screw in hooks and hooks. Ideal for hanging purses, scarves, etc..
3. Plastic Boxes. Great for piling, I love these for socks, nylons, headbands, and all other accessories.
4. Shoe Shelf. Hangs on the rod, but with open and separate pockets, it is possible to store flats, vases, etc so you are able to leave the room on the ground for your own boots and taller heels.
5. Labels. Add tags into your own shelves so that you know where to go fast for long sleeves, winter sweaters, or whatever you’ve folded and stacked.
6. Categorize. I’m a massive fan of hanging all pants and slacks collectively, all blouses, all gowns, etc in separate segments. I know what I’ve got clean by bit — therefore, if I desire a blouse, then I grab a pick and will quickly go to the segment that is blouse.
7. Vertical Space. Use it! You know that section just above the closet rod? Turn it in to a shelf. Here, you can pile workout clothing and sweaters, or use dividers to store purses pockets, and purses in up-right line.
8. Utilize the Door. Hang a mirror!
9. Stash a Ladder. You will not ever use the vertical space if you can’t easily reach it. Catch a kitchen feces and keep it in the closet for continuous and easy access.
10. Cleanse. You know that pair of trousers you’re keeping”for a painting afternoon”? The sweatshirt with holes from ten years ago? The retired pair of running shoes which”you might need in the event”? Donate or throw — my rule of thumb is”if you haven’t worn it or thought about it 3 months (and it’s not seasonal), then it out.”
Have your tips to discuss for an organized closet? Tell us your must-dos in the comments!
Spring Clean: The Closet Cleanse