5 Fashion New Year Resolutions for 2013
It Is the first few weeks of January, otherwise Called Rewards Season in most households, and when I Needed to wage a bet, I’d say Save More Cash is high up on the list. But it’s also that time of year when our dividers are just about to change cupboards and really, while I want to be thrifty, the final thing I want to do is look cheap. Here are five trend New Year’s resolutions for 2013 so you can stay within your budget and look great:
Fashion New Year’s Resolutions List
1. Trade it in. Or market then buy — take all gently used clothes to local consignment shops OR, Better Still, do it in the comfort of your new home. One website that lets you buy and sell your clothes is Twice. Think a shop’s fun in Addition to the ease of shopping. Every little bit counts, so in the event that you spend more than you purchase it will at least lower the influence on your wallet.
2. Versatile pieces. Some of the best investments are those in which you get your use — so, when Purchasing this year, spend more on things that you can use in many different ways. My favourite is your convertible dress, which you can wear 15 ways! Try out this from Nordstrom.
3. Timeless accessories. These will last a lifetime, and are meant to go with everything. Select and you’ll find yourself collecting rather than trashing over time. Anthropologie will have a lineup that is blendable and well-made with trends and looks.
4. Keep it Simple. Perhaps you have noticed just how it’s easy to get caught up on ALL the appearances per season? But really, how many of them would you Wind up actually sporting? Know your look and stick to it. I am a business-casual type gal who lives at the beach, so stocking up on high heels and down vests to match that look I saw in a NY-based magazine isn’t the best use of my money.
5. Organize your closet. As odd as it seems, think about it: how many times have you come home with a shopping bag Merely to understand that yes, you DO own a magenta sweater but it’s just been at the hamper for the week. Thus, keep your closet organized and I suggest checking it before purchasing — you’ll save time and money.
Spring Clean: The Closet Cleanse