Festive Foundations
The holidays are a year of glamour and excess, but underneath all the sparkle are romantic staples that set the basis for each and every evening. Sure you have the old standbys on hand, however an occasion number calls for something. Backless dresses, plunging necklines, unforgiving fabrics…you catch the frosty drift. As a result of a little creativity from our style thoughts, there’s a product to safeguard against every pas. We’ve rounded up undergarments the best shapewear and sartorial tools required to keep the festivities flawless.
For dramatic drops at the rear : Try an innovative bra converter if you are bustier to give you a few more inches of skin. Those with less to, ahem, hold up up front, a backless number should do just fine.
For tight, bodycon construction: Who is not a fan of Spanx, really? With a cut to get rid of ones that give your resources a boost, in addition to bulge in every problem area, there is a reason that this brand has become as large as the names under.
For visionary, winter white fabrics: Sheer might be in in the summertime, but for household and office-style get-togethers? Not happening. It is time for the true and tried classic.
For everything in between: A tiny fashion tape goes a very long way. Apply the tacky stuff when donning tops and open sided items to guarantee you’ll be wardrobe malfunction free.
House of Cards: We Say House of Style