Beauty Buzz: The Growth of the Beauty Mask
One of the wonderful things about social networking’s second-by-second hold on society is that it’s the ideal place to put your finger on the tendencies. And should you follow enough tastemakers you have probably gotten then noticed it is actually a step added to your favorite starlets’ and bloggers’ beauty patterns. That’s right, we’re talking masks…*yells. *
You’ll be casually scrolling through your feed early morning or late night wham! You are hit with a face looking back at you. You scroll and there is another, this time it’s green. And gold being frightened by another, in a glamorously. So that you read the caption this time and stop. Usually it goes something like”Looks spooky, feels amazing!” Or”Can’t live without my hydrating essentials”
Chrissy Teigen through instagram
The One-Sheet Beauty Mask: So Hot Right Now
Cooler and quirkier than the avocado and sand masks of yesteryear, the wonder is what has got the attention. It seems as though the Korean skin care trend helped all versions of these beauty masks gain momentum once more, while these have been around for a while. Trimmed with holes for the nose and eyes, all these silly-looking DIY remedies have simplified the game that was facial. And now that societal media has altered the way we discover and examine products, it’s tough to miss popular at-home spa treatments have become.
Green Tea Mask: Mattifies and purifies to whiten skin, absorb sebum, and decrease the appearance of outbreaks.
Lotus Mask: Refreshes tired skin and reduces signs of fatigue and strain.
Affordable and Versatile
Made with all sorts of skin care ingredients to glow, infuse, much more and moisturize, the mask that is one-time-use is the best buy of the season. Affordable and easy to use, you can locate an entire fixture devoted to them in Sephora, all tailored to fit your individual requirements.
- Lacking some elegance? Try the Lingzhi mask.
- Uneven skin tone? The Pearl mask should do the trick.
- And for impurities? Green Tea must draw them out.
For $6, you can relax and rejuvenate…and maybe pop off some of your own playful’g while you’re at it. The Sephora Mask Collection provides 8 ways independently to indulge the skin and make goofy.
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