Body Positive Spotlight Series: This Retailer’s Struggling Against Body Shaming
We’re beginning 2017 off with some self explanatory! We and fashion entrepreneur Anne Claire Isabella chatted about her inspiring story last week. We’d like you to fulfill Larissa Gonzales, another strength girl of fashion who’s on a body positivity mission to help women combat the negativity that is related and body shaming. Larissa is the founder and owner of women’s boutique Dress Me Good.
Read on to learn what she is doing to encourage it, and how Larissa became interested in your system positivity movement.
Dedicated to Body Positivity
Budget Fashionista: how can you define human anatomy positivity?
Larissa: Body Piercing is learning to acknowledge that you are with your body 24/7 and you have to provide it up to TLC as anything else — no matter what shape it is in. We’re all shaped from one another! And not one form is better than others, even though the media has tried to state otherwise. It is the affirmation you give yourself that you are enough all of the time under all circumstances.
Budget Fashionista: Why is your body positive motion so important to you?
Larissa: It is important to learn to be loving and forgiving to yourself, since you are your own best friend. Only you know what you’ve already been through , and also what you drives and moves you.
We are our own worst critic the majority of the time. When there are individuals that are mean-spirited around, you can build a strength and confidence become a role model to those who have the self doubts — and to deflect any negativity.
Also, it is crucial to try and reshape the thinking of society that will help girls feel more proud of what they look like. They should not be worrying about trying to look like something that is unattainable or unreal! Photoshop has been around forever, but today they are creating ads which aren’t real human beings.
Budget Fashionista: How can you promote body positivity with Dress Me Good?
Larissa: We encourage human anatomy positivity by:
- Providing details on how you can dress for your shape. Lots of women don’t understand that with a few tips and suggestions and clothing that is flattering, you can feel great about the human body as is.
- Offering many different sizes since we know it is hard to find and sizes online or in shop.
- Using several distinct sorts of models so women can see how they will appear in the clothes.
- Sharing favorable quotes and body positive role models to form a community around loving yourself.
Budget Fashionista: What information would you have for girls who feel ashamed in their bodies?
Larissa: I had been teased when I was young, and that I know the hurt and harm it could do to a self respect. Going through that, I discovered what hurt the most was that I didn’t love myself. As there are still people who love to try to bring you down, which will never go away.
However, now that I learned to love myself through meditating and self talk. And that I have the confidence to use as armor to help combat those men and women. Do things for yourself, be kind to yourself and live life no matter what because it is too short to be worrying about damaging people and their comments.
To learn more about Dress Me Good and its dedication to body positivity, see You could even check out Budget Fashionista’s fashion advice in body type!
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