Budget Beauty

Conquering Eyebrow Myths One Arch at One Moment

Eyebrows appear to be the 1 thing I can not figure out. I understand the distinction between liquid and gel eyeliner. I figured out this my skin tone is complemented by lipstick in colours. However, eyebrows? Nope!

I actually have really full eyebrows, something I understand is an asset. But, they grow quickly, and I can never seem to remember where the actual”arch” is supposed to be. Fortunately for me, we had an expert drop in to overcome some myths. Joey Healy is a eyebrow specialist in New York City who obtained his esthetician’s license in the Aveda Institute and today runs his own successful small business. Here are some of the myths we defeated

Common Eyebrow Myths Debunked

Myth #1: Grooming Eyebrows Hurts!

Eyebrow Myths

Credit: People.com

If I had written this article before talking to Mr. Healy, I would have listed one fantasy as”Grooming Eyebrows Shouldn’t Hurt” and named all the reasons why it totally does. Now that I have interviewed a specialist, I realize that getting your eyebrows dressed does not have to be painful.

Do I have sensitive skin, but it has responded to waxing in the past, leaving me a bit timid about the eyebrow shaping issue. But for folks like me with skin that is sensitive, Mr. Healy recommends simply using tweezers because they never touch the skin. And, so as to ensure it is not hurt, Mr. Healey says,”Hold the skin taut and make quick, confident pulls in the direction of hair growth” or”you can apply counter-pressure to the skin post-pluck by immediately applying light pressure with your finger on the region.” And, since a different tip, avoid getting your eyebrows because your skin is more sensitive 23, plucked just before your menstrual cycle.

Myth #2: Grooming Eyebrows is Expensive!

Grooming Eyebrows is Expensive

Credit: People.com

I have always believed that getting a pro to shape my eyebrows each week would be the ultimate luxury, but Mr. Healy says that eyebrow dressing does not have to break your bank. It really takes four weeks for hair to reach the surface after a dressing table so that you could schedule an appointment with a pro like Mr. Healy once every four weeks. Mr. Healy also indicates that you take pictures after obtaining your eyebrows dressed so you have a reference point.

He states:”Invest in a pair of great slanted tweezers and attempt to keep the design lines clean by lightly removing new growth once a week. If you’re vigilant, you can go a lengthy time before you’re calling an expert back in!” This seems to me like a plan!

Myth #3: Your Own Hair Won’t Grow Back Should You Over-Pluck It

Demi Moore

Credit: People.com

Like Mr. Healy said, your hair will require four weeks to get to the surface. He clarifies it will take approximately 56 days for all the way to grow back. (This is true whether you tweeze, wax, or thread!) Try to steer clear of chemicals if you’re stressed, or rubbing against your eyebrows. Both of these things can cause your eyebrows to drop out. But, so long as you are a young girl with health, over-plucking is not a beauty crisis. It just takes a little patience!

MYTH: Eyebrows Should Start On A Vertical Line Measured From the Outside of Your Nose

Eyebrow Myth

Credit: Style.com

Your nose might actually appear larger than it really, truly is, and who wants that, if you follow this old school guideline? Not me! Mr. Healy explains:”Eyebrow contour is determined by bone structure, not cartilage,” so locate the best starting point by”carrying a pencil vertically around both sides of your nose bone. Now, the brows should start in a clean, squared off manner, ideally in a 90 degree angle.”

What Are Your Eyebrow Grooming Tips?

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