Don’t Cry Over Broken Nails: Repair Them With This Tutorial
A few weeks before, I had been in the kitchen mashing garlic potatoes for a yummy supper when–all of a sudden–I experienced that the traumatic event that’s breaking up a nail. Based on dash and my reaction to the bathroom, my husband thought I had seriously hurt myself. My body was fine. My nail was not.
Now, most guys (and a few girls ) do not understand the significance of a busted nail; they do not comprehend how disheartening and bothersome it could be. You spend those things growing out, keeping them all the exact same length, submitting them so they don’t snag. So every time a nail breaks, one goes through a kind of grieving process.
All melodrama aside, a busted nail is seriously no pleasure . There is a little trick you can do to save your nail. This emergency nail operation can get you through the weekend if you have a date or event while it’s a short-term repair.
Quick Fixes for Broken Nails
Behold: the tea bag fix for nails. You will need an empty tea bag, scissors and nail polish.
Step 1: Cut Tea Bag Down
Cut a bit from your tea bag that’s large enough to cover the crack/snag of your broken nail. I usually demolish an unused tea bag and save the tea for my own tea ball.
Step 2: Apply Clear Nail Polish
Apply a thick coat of clear nail polish over the snagging or cracked nail. Aspect of the nail should be attached in order for this to work.
Sidebar: Can we please just talk about how awesome that nail polish is for a second? That is Layla Hologram Effect Nail Polish in Retro Pink. Amazing, right? You really feel like a real fairy emitting shimmery goodness, when you step out into the sun with this gloss.
Measure 3: Adhere Teabag
While the obvious polish is still wet, gently set the tea bag within the crack/snag. Smooth it out to remove any bubbles.
Step 4: Apply Another Coat of Deadly
Apply a coat of polish over the tea bag. Allow it to dry and then apply a third coat.
Step 5: Paint
On top, apply your routine nail polish Following the polish dries. This ought to hold for at least a couple of days. Repeat as necessary until your nail grows out and you’ll be able to trim.
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