Facial Hair? Tackle ’em With Tweezers That Actually Work
The topic of facial hair does Not always make us feel warm and um, fuzzy (pun intended), but let’s be real: it happens, I do Not care who you are. Kate Upton, Olivia Pope, Lindsey Vonn–I’m sure they’ve occasionally whipped out the tweezers to deliver death to some Sudden Chin Hair Sprout.
Surewe women adore our tweezers to keep brows in shape, but all of us recognize that hairs have a way of creeping up on different parts of our face. I have caught some doozies along my jawline, the sides of my head on my chin and on my upper lip. Yup, not gont lie. 12x magnifying mirrors, sunlight and a BFF who tells it like it is have a way of keeping me in song for my stray hairs. Sigh.
For those of us not wild about waxing, smelly creams, expensive electrolysis sessions or mitts that guarantee to slough off facial skin, tweezers perform the trick. Place a hair on the way from the ladies room? No issue. Get out this tweezer and head into the meeting sans eyebrow hair. The important thing is locating a tweezer that works, grabbing the hair and yanking that sucker out. I scoped out a few that work… really work. No more gripping that same hair 27 times. Bonus: They’re trendy, too. No more mono-color blah tweezers here. Now let’s get to it!
Best Tweezers for Facial Hair
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Tell me, what tweezers are the favorites? Let us know in the comments section below.
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