Fill Your Weekly Exfoliation Quota DIY Face Scrub
FYI: You should moisturize your skin at least one time weekly, although most skin specialists recommend twice per week. Does a good exfoliating job make your skin feel and look brighter, it enhances the functionality of your dermis. In layman’s terms: It makes your skin do its job.
Exfoliating nixes built-up makeup and product residue and also removes dead skin cells hangin’ out on the skin’s surface. This, in turn, makes skin look fuller and healthier. It also decreases the likelihood of an abrupt drop-in by the dreaded Mr. Pimple.
The three-ingredient DIY facial scrub of today combines coffee, honey and baking soda. Coffee smells fabulous and works honey is a natural antioxidant that soothes, protects and cleanses; and brightens and soda exfoliates the skin.
Exfoliate with a Do-It-Yourself Face Scrub!
Step One: Blend Ingredients
Blend equal parts honey and baking soda. You can double or triple the recipe and then store in an airtight container for up to a week in your refrigerator, although I used a tablespoon of each.
Hint : Use local honey. It’s only slightly more expensive and supports small/independent small business.
Step Two: Apply to sterile Face
Remove all makeup, lotion, sunscreen, etc. out of your face. Keep skin moist. Use the mixture to your face and massage into skin for at least 45 minutes. Allow it to set for three to five minutes.
Tip: If you have kids, roommates, a husband or even a pet, now’s the perfect chance to frighten them with your gooey face.
Step Three: Rinse and Dry
Rinse the scrub off the face with water and pat dry. Follow up with cream or your favorite serum to lock in moisture.
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