Flashback Fashion: Should Women Wear Pantyhose?
Back at the early-2000s, young and old generations have been clashing on pantyhose of their sheer nylon variety’s topic. Traditionalists contended for the while the up-and-coming fashion divas gasped in terror at the thought covering.
Budget Fashionista on Pantyhose in 2006
Our reaction to the debate in 20016 was that: Apply the rule. If it’s 100 degrees outside, it is pretty dumb to wear pantyhoseif it’s 10 degrees out, it’s dumb to not wear some sort of covering over your legs or pantyhose. Use common sense and make the choice yourself.
Our 2017 Take on Pantyhose
I stand by our 2006 advice. Whatever your choice, follow along with it and just disregard what men and women say.
You may want some guidance to assist you decide. Listed below are a Couple of considerations:
Pantyhose for formal events
Nowadays, bare legs are A-OK at the most formal occasions. Think about awards shows in the entertainment industry; how often do actors have pantyhose on underneath their gowns? You’re better off investing in a fake tanning lotion. Your legs will shine and they will not be in danger of tearing and catching if you walk by the sequined dress of somebody else.

$16, calvin Klein Infinite Sheers Hosiery, Macys
Remember that tights are an option. A set of tights is a fashionable choice for ultra-conservative occasions, such as funerals.
Pantyhose for job interviews
A job interview is the only situation I could think of where your choice of wearing or not wearing pantyhose is really important. Wear pantyhose beneath your power suit if you are interviewing for a non-creative function with a very conservative business (a credit analyst with a lender, for example). It helps in the event that you know that the hiring supervisor will be a status quo type, versus the rogue leader that needs new blood to shake up things.
Don’t wear pantyhose if you’re currently interviewing with a startup and thinking outside the box. Wear tights instead, When it’s cold outside. If it’s sexy, make sure that your legs are tidy and go nude.
I understand this all sounds sort of absurd — like wearing pantyhose or not determines whether you’re loyal and dependable or a creative, go-getter. But think about this part of the overall bucket of advice about how to dress. The pantyhose are just one element of your ensemble, and your entire outfit makes an impression on who you are.
Pantyhose and choice of shoe
Never use pantyhose with open-toed shoes. This is one of these fashion rules you probably should not break. Reach for the pumps if you have to wear pantyhose.
I will say that I never wear naked pantyhose. I simply don’t enjoy. I’ve gone work events, to job interviews, weddings, cocktail parties, you name it. I have gotten offers from those interviews that were bare-legged , also. Plus, nobody has commented, negative or positive .
Choosing pantyhose
Find if you are going to slip on hose. They should be almost undetectable when they’re being worn by you.

Donna Karan The Nudes Sheer-to-Waist Tights, $22, Neiman Marcus
What the Chatter Says
Lots of people have weighed in on the topic over recent years. Here’s a sampling of what they’re happening on the internet:
- To What Events Should Women Wear Pantyhose? Leaf.tv says women must wear pantyhose to job interviews, formal and church ceremonies.
- The Pantyhose Debate Continues… The Well Dressed Life says no more to pharmacy pantyhose brands since they look cheap. Invest in a good pair rather or use a self-tanner.
- Pantyhose Coming back in Style? Ariana Grande, kate Middleton and Miley Cyrus have been spotted wearing pantyhose, which may signal a comeback for the leg wear.
Weigh in from the comments! Are you wearing pantyhose and, if so, where?
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