How to Shop Our Favorite Stores That Also Have Stuff for Men
Let’s face it, in the eyes of a busy, budget fashionista, the best stores are one-stop-shops. So if it’s the holiday season, we’re definitely gracing stores where we can not only get more bang for our buck, but cross a couple names off our shopping lists while we’re at it. We love a store that carries stuff for guys too, if not for this very reason, then to sometimes snag the comfiest fitting boyfriend tees and cardigans.
While BR can be pricey at first glance, there’s no doubt you’re getting what you pay for. Quality denim and suiting for both sexes can be found at this favorite that offers free alterations, a hefty clearance rack and promo prices on basics like cashmere blend sweaters and classic button ups for you and your guy.
Every budget fashionista, male or female needs a little bit of luxury, and that’s when you stop by Brooks Brothers for some fab stocking stuffers and just the right amount of elegance. A budget fashionista may not be buying three piece suiting from this retailer (though they do keep a fully-stocked sale section online at 50% off MSRP) but that doesn’t mean you can’t pick up some great silk scarves, leather belts, or other accessories like cuff links for your guy.
As the sixth largest specialty retailer in the US for both men’s and women’s apparel, it should go without saying that everyone loves Express. Moderate pricing and killer sales have locked this store into every budget fashionista’s radar, and with a substantial mix of basics and seasonal trends, the store will always have what we’re looking for. Stock up on denim, printed blouses and office essentials. Sign up for the mailing and/or email lists to get discounts year round, and off nearly every purchase.
Forever21 is the epitome of fast fashion, and every budget fashionista’s first stop for filling up on trends. Keep in mind Forever21’s return policy (err…exchange policy) and shop smart. Buy online or buy in store, but don’t plan on comparing the two and coming across the same merchandise. Restocks and sizing are hit or miss in the quantity versus quality world of Forever21.
The mid-brow to Banana Republic and Old Navy, Gap pricing also meets all your mid-dressing needs. There’s something about a great tee and slim jeans from this brand that will always look classically stylish, and far from casual or slobby, whether paired on man or woman. Trend accessories, hats and even shoes can be picked up at Gap to finish off any effortlessly chic look. Continuous sales, clearance items and a rewards credit card that can be used at all Gap affiliates (BR, ON and Piperlime) are enough to make any budget fashionista brand loyal.
You also get what you pay for at ON, so don’t expect you’re $4 tee or $20 peacoat to last you beyond the season. And that’s ok. Sometimes you and your loved ones just need an item for the fun, for the trend, for the moment. So go on with your bad, budget fashionista self and scoop up those steals and deals, but don’t forget to use a coupon, a promo code or your Gap, BR, or ON card while doing it.
This shoe store has found a way to make themselves a necessity. We can’t think of anyone who’s ever really hated on the Payless brand, especially with more recent designer collaborations. They’re a go-to for last minute occasions and trend shoes alike, and while we recognize their styles won’t always be the most comfortable or the best quality, they get the job done for the price. Every budget fashionista has partaken in a BOGO sale (or five) and associates are usually more than happy to locate shoes that seem to be out-of-stock in store.
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