How-To: Shopping at Target
Ah, you say–you know about shopping. In fact, you have spent much time there which you should be eligible for some sort of lifetime achievement award. Alright, we will provide this to you –but are you shopping it in the most economical way possible? Perhaps not. Listed below are our tips for optimizing your Tar-jay experience:
Shopping at Target
Utilize Your Mobile For Over’Words With Friends’
Cartwheel App
Shopping at Target has gotten much easier with the launch of the Cartwheel program. Utilize Target’s Cartwheel unlock a variety of savings and coupons and program to collect. Together with Cartwheel, you can search for discounts, save them in your program, then show your phone at the register to safeguard your savings.
Mobile Coupons
Target today offers scannable mobile coupons for visitors that opt-in to the app. Sign up here. You’ll receive a text message with a URL to a web page with a group of deals accessible through a single bar code, to be scanned on your phone at checkout. The best part is when you end up picking up any extra things you were not planning to (such as we do on EVERY SINGLE TRIP to Goal ) you can quickly access the page on your cellphone and have coupons at your fingertips.
Photo credit: Shutterstock
Know the Program
Goal has a routine program for markdowns and clearance, and this is the overall breakdown while it can Differ from store to store:
Monday — Electronics, Kids Clothing (and possibly Infants things ) and Stationary
Tuesday — Domestics, Women’s Clothing, antiques and Economy
Wednesday — Men’s Clothing, Toys, Lawn & Garden, Health and Beauty things
Thursday — House Wares, Lingerie, Sporting Goods, Shoes, Music/Movies, Books, Decor and Luggage
Friday — Auto, Cosmetics, Hardware, and antiques
Traditional Holiday Clearance
50% off the afternoon following the vacation , for 3 days
75% off the fourth day following the vacation , for 3 days
90% off the seventh day following vacation , for 1-2 days.
Arriving early on the times you understand they are marking down things and you will have access to the week’s best deals. Also, Internet wisdom notes that if the purchase price ends in the number 4, then it is your last chance to purchase before the product gets shipped out to, well, wherever Target product goes to expire (some of it ends up at Goodwill, just FYI).
Know Where to Get Coupons/Discounts
If you’re shopping Target online, be sure to hit to get coupon/discount codes until you check outand in case you’re looking for in store coupons (especially for markets ) be sure to visit the Target site first for printable coupons. Also, you will want to be certain to register for Target’s weekly ad to be delivered to your inbox to peruse the most recent earnings before you go (you can also acquire mobile reminders or subscribe to their RSS feed).
Do Not Ignore the Endcaps
Sure, the ending of the aisles is where they put those fancy-schmancy screens that try to entice you into buying stuff you don’t need, but if you hit the opposite end of the screens –the ones closest to the walls typically, you will find shelves and baskets full of super-cheap clearance items. We’ve purchased lots of stuff here for next to nothing, but be careful about expiration dates. In our experience this is worth a look.
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Not All Targets are Created Equal
It’s worth buying a Targets to find one which has the stock. By way of example, Angela’s neighborhood Target (in the desolate retail wasteland that’s southwestern Illinois) is under 10 minutes away and can be fine for general merchandise, like beauty products, electronic equipment, etc., however, the apparel department? Regrettably restricted.
Therefore, having scouted around a little, she understands that the Target that’s about 25 minutes away in St. Louis has a far larger and a lot more stylish selection of apparel–so when she knows she is on the market for, saya new go-to dress or a pair of pumps that are great, she’ll plan a special trip to the shop with the best choice. Kathryn lives in Manhattan and while the Fort Greene Goal is nearby, she firmly believes that it’s the place where hope goes to die, so she prefers to shop into the Jersey City Target.

Use the TBF Donation Card Strategy to Control Your Spending
Target is one of those shops that hypnotizes uswe leave with two sundresses, a fresh set of those chocolates, dishes and an mp3 player, and move in for a few Dove shampoo. Therefore, while we can’t load a gift card for every single individual item we need, if you have any things to pick up and you also know you’ll be tempted, have a Goal card loaded with however much you can afford to invest and accept no other payment options with you. Or if you do not mind carrying cash, take how much you can afford to invest and not a cent more.
Do Not Buy Items You Can Get Cheaper Elsewhere
Shop Target for maybe holiday things, budget-friendly shoes, accessories, apparel, furniture/housewares. But if you also store regularly at someplace like, say, Wal-Mart, at which we KNOW you can pick up that Jergen’s lotion cheaper, store those things for your next excursion to WM. We know, we know–it takes some planning, but even if it’s only 20 cents more affordable, multiply that by 6 things per excursion and you will see it adds up pretty fast. You’ll have more to spend on that cute Anya Hindmarch handbag at Target.
Green Shopping
If eco-friendly shopping is significant to you, Target is one of those very few budget-friendly retailers that gives you some real alternatives to store, everything out of recycled paper goods (such as stationery), recycled glassware, organic bedding, and selected items of organic clothing and sleepwear.
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