Quick Tips for Wearing Colored Eyeliner
Still wearing black eyeliner for season every single event and mood? I was, too, until it felt, well, boring. To liven up my appearance, I began wearing coloured eyeliner and I’m thrilled to report: I am in love. I am able just like I just stepped from the 80s or to brighten up my look.
I admit, switching from black made me nervous. Would wearing coloured vase make it look like I was trying to relive my high school years or taking up clown lessons? Then I remembered my”who says?” Rule (who says wearing patent leather shoes with a plastic handbag is a no-no? Who states wearing white after Labor Day is a horror of horrors?) And got my bold on. Have no fear. Who says ladies should avoid or fret about wearing colored eyeliner?
Strategies for Wearing Colored Eyeliner
1. Check out this Wonderful youtube tutorial on how to utilize colored eyeliner
2. . Know what colors work for your eye color. Finding green vest that perfectly matches an emerald sweater may make us feel like we hit on the colour wheel but let it be about the color of eyes instead of our clothes. Eyes can stand out using the colored liner stick with this particular rule of thumb:
- Brown eyes (lucky ladies: most colors work well with brown or hazel eyes): purples, blues
- Blue eyes: pinks, bronze, copper
- Green eyes: lavender, plum
3. Be yourself. While the eyes of that supermodel on every other magazine page may be intriguing, ask yourselfwould I wear the appearance to do the job? To the Shop? Be realistic with your style if it’s not your thing, and do not force a teal and orange cat attention. “When I am feeling daring,” Beauchamp says,”I may mix purple and green to make a turquoise shade.” Know what works for you and remain within your comfort zone.
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