Repost: Advice for Shopaholics
Dear Budget Fashionista,
I am a shopaholic. I love buying clothes, yet I never have anything to wear. I spent $1,500 on Bluefly buying shoes, a beautiful leather Lamarthe bag along with other clothes. I feel irritated like a junkie who needs their fix While I don’t store. I shop classic in shops. And not only in clothing, the procedure for purchasing gives me a hurry and makes me feel happy. I read your book but it made me want to purchase more items. People laugh once I tell them I have a issue with purchasing but it truly is serious. I am attempting to locate remedy. Do you have some advice for shopaholics? Help!
According to MSN, 1 in 20 women AND men are shopaholics and we joke about purchasing until we fall, it has really become a problem for many of us (yours truly included).
The first step in developing an answer to any problem is to admit you have. There is lots of organizations available to help you with the psychological aspects of your shopping addiction (Debtors Anonymous in addition to local psychiatrists, psychologists, and therapists specializing in treating addictions). Your shopping addiction arose out of a emptiness you feel in some other portion of your lifetime. After that you can begin to work on getting your financial house in order, once you’re on the road to addressing the emotional facets of overspending. Contact a regional financial advisor and read last year’s series on getting your financial house in order.
Here’s some tips for dealing with complusive shopping from MSN:
The Way to Put a Minimalist Wardrobe