Repost: How to Prevent The Designer Handbag Trap
The majority of us purchase designer handbags more due to the status carrying one conveys and less due to the quality. Taking that handbag doesn’t convey exactly the same standing as, say, carrying the Yves Saint Laurent handbag taken by Beyonce, although you may get a good, quality handbag in your local JC Penney’s for less than $50. If it’s possible to pick up a knock-off of that same bag on eBay then the status is gone along with in addition to shoppers’ desire to spend a ridiculous amount of money on it.
Here’s the truth: wealthy people aren’t the only individuals who purchase luxury products. According to a recent article from the Economist, the vast majority of purchasers of luxury products, some 60%, are aspirational shoppers, shoppers like me and you, who hope to be rich, while attempting to figure out how to survive ramen noodles. We want the lifestyle which carrying a designer handbags conveys, the status, but do not have the cash in the bank to afford the bag.
One of the ways performers get you to desire their merchandise, is by producing limited edition bags/products to make an air of envy/exclusivity also — although not just for the bag itself. They create a very limited number of luggage and provide bags to key celebrities (occasionally they even pay for the celebrities to carry the bags), understanding that photographs of the celebs carrying the bags will look in major magazines and popular sites, creating desire.
Like the prospect of Elvis doing a set in the next birthday party, your chance of scoring among those bags would be, umm. That’s the point. Designers charge on the fact that you simply can not score (or purchase ) the 6,000 moon dust-encrusted tote made from the skin of baby seals and the expectation of kids, but to be able to be linked to the standing the brand communicates, you would be happy with a less expensive or less expensive edition. And these versions are more rewarding for the designer.
How can you prevent the designer handbag snare?
- Don’t Get the IT Handbag. Do not attempt to purchase the”IT” handbag, just wait until the period is finished and buy the handbag at the socket
- Choose Quality over Status. Simply because it’s got a tag, that doesn’t mean it’s worth the dough. Examine the quality of leather, analyze the stitching, and make sure that the bag is lined.
- Find Designer”inspired” versions. This isn’t the same as a”knock-off”. Designer inspired versions have a similar style as the designer variations, but don’t promise to be the real thing. Handbags were inspired by one of my favorite spots to score designer?
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