Fashion Advice
To Remove Scuff Marks from Patent Leather Shoes
Dear Budget Fashionista,
How does one remove scuff marks from patent leather shoes? I have a cream set which has marks and that I have a red pair that has marks. Do I want to go to a shoe shop??
How to Get Scuff Marks Off Shoes
Do not spend money in a shoe store until you’ve tried this suggestion. Head to the neighborhood drugstore and buy the bottle of non acetone nail polish remover you can find. Dip a Q-tip in the remover and use it into your scuff, gently rubbing the mark off.
Alcohol or hand sanitizer may also try, but you have to be cautious to not remove and/or tear the dye onto your shoes.
Note: Also works with regular leather shoes
Here Is a Good Video that gives tips on removing scuff marks from shoes