Using Accessories to Update Your Wardrobe On A Budget
Webster’s dictionary defines the word”accessory”, in its fashion sense, as”an object or a device not essential in itself but adding to the beauty, convenience, or effectiveness of something else.”
I specify accessories like a surefire way to expand upon an present wardrobe. So many Budget Fashionistas make the mistake of purchasing a new ensemble to add some panache (love that word) into their drab wardrobe combination. However, a visit to your store’s accessory section will uncover ways to bring your wardrobe and some adjustments.
Example: The only suit you own is a fine, conservative, black business suit. You are likely to an interview/event/social gathering/funeral that demands something a bit more spicy. Buy a suit, though you do not have enough on your bank account to buy a Grande Mocha and your first instinct would be always to go out to your local TJ Maxx.
March to the accessory department of your shop. Almost every major department store has an attachment section, and accessories are always available. Do not restrict yourself to earrings, necklaces, etc.. It’s amazing what a good scarf can perform for a costume.
The trick to sporting accessories is to concentrate on one bit as you”center” and make sure that this centre is put near the part of your body you’d like to emphasize. By way of instance, chandelier earrings continue to be a sexy accessory, but if you are fond of your neck or want to wear a focus grabbing necklace, then you shouldn’t wear the earrings.
Some of my favourite places to purchase cheap accessories include Target, Wet Seal, Forever 21, Payless (great trendy purses for cheap), Sears, and Claire’s. I’m always looking for new areas, so please send them together.
Love learning about accessories? Read our article on earrings can make your outfit look more pricey
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