Why Hitting the Snooze Button Makes You More Beautiful
Do you fancy bags under your eyesskin, pimplesfeet and a jawline? Nope, no one does.
Well that’s where you’re heading if you keep disrespecting your sleep. My great friend, you, may be sleep deprived, if you’re always getting anything less than seven hours per night then. Sleep deprivation is bad for the physical and psychological wellness, and terrible for your physical appearance. (There’s a reason it’s called getting your beauty sleep because there truly are real beauty advantages associated with having enough sleep.)
The Researchers Say…
A group of researchers from Sweden (no surprises there) conducted a research on the connection between sleep and beauty. They showed participants images of sleep-deprived people and photos of people that were well-rested. You may see where it’s going of course. The faces have been judged to be not as healthy and attractive. Uh-oh!
Below are three attractiveness advantages of sleep. Continue reading and get inspired to make sleep an important part of your beauty regime.
Three Beauty Benefits of Sleep
Sleep keeps your skin youthful
Why is it that some people today appear amazing well in their golden years, even while the rest of us begin to look from the time we turn 40 like Tommy Lee Jones? There are many answers to that question. But sleep plays a huge role.
When we sleep our body releases hormones. These powerful neurotransmitters inform the cells inside our tissue when, where and how to repair and rejuvenate our body.Thus keeping us looking fresh for more.
Here’s the rub. These signals are only transmitted after we enter something called’deep tide’ sleep. This is after we have nodded off the super-replenishing substance that comes.
If our slumber is broken, or we don’t sleep long enoughwe devote less time in this stage of sleep. And the process of replenishment and rejuvenation will not be as successful.
A night of missed sleep here or there won’t matter too much — however sleeping will mean the damage will proceed beyond the stage where it can be reversed. That is when bags become wrinkles and irreversible more. Yikes! Time for bed me thinks!
Sleep keeps skin hydrated
Your body is hard at work controlling a host Despite the fact that you snore away. One of them is your hydration level.
Since you slumber your body processes any excess water left on your system for elimination. Dawn time, hence a visit to the loo is your first order of business come. Your skin can recover some of this surplus water and use it to replenish its moisture amounts — keeping you looking young and lively. Bonus!
If your sleep is interrupted, this hydration regulation process remains and suffers incomplete. This replenishment is lost on by your skin and you wake up with a dry and eyes. Oops!
Think of your skin as a rose garden. Keep it together with flourish and it watered. Neglect it and it with wither and dry.
Considering how you’re going to be carrying your break after reading this, it could be time to replace this sorry excuse for a mattress that you’re currently neglecting to sleep .
Sleep is our natural prozac
You might have heard of a hormone known as cortisol, known to science because the stress hormone.
Concerning evolutionary survival, cortisol was a helpful substance. It is the chemical that tells us whether to fight or flee when we see the telltale form of a saber-tooth tiger. Of course for our ancestors. It was super useful. But maybe not so much in the world of today that free of saber-tooth cats.
Nevertheless, cortisol plays a huge part in our everyday life. It’s something that provides you that sick feeling when you realize you forgot to email your tax return, or any time you are running late for a meeting.
Too much cortisol within our system can lead to feelings of anxiety and stress, mood swings, fatigue, weight fluctuation and even infertility. One of numerous amazing things sleep is flush cortisol from our system. This process is impaired if we sleep badly and also our levels stay elevated. Not only is that bad for our health, it’s also bad for our appearance.
Cortisol leads to a growth in inflammation and our skin suffers as a outcome. Stress has been linked to greasy skin, breakouts of acne, adult acne and other skin conditions.
There you have it my lovelies, the health of your skin and the quality of your sleep are more closely related than you realized. Stop it, if you’ve been skipping out on sleep and your skin will thank you.
Plus, now you’ve got the perfect excuse to hit tomorrow morning!